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_alice munro

tamoadmin 2024-08-31 人已围观

简介1.猛鬼街的猛鬼怪胎2.近10年诺贝尔奖及代表作3.Alice 什么含义4.世界上第一位获得诺贝尔奖的女作家是谁?The Last of the Mohicans is set in upstate New York, in the area bordering Canada, during the French and Indian War in the mid- eighth century.



3.Alice 什么含义


_alice munro

The Last of the Mohicans is set in upstate New York, in the area bordering Canada, during the French and Indian War in the mid- eighth century. The setting changes rapidly from one scene to another throughout the novel, moving from Fort Edward to the wilderness around Lake George to Fort William Henry to Indian settlements.


In The Last of the Mohicans, no single person can be identified as the protagonist, not even the actual last of the Mohicans, Uncas. It is rather the entire party of good characters. Duncan, Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, Uncas, Chingachgook and even Did he all the characteristics of heroes. They are bre, practical, and very loyal. They face many hardships, yet remain determined and firm. They fight their enemies with courage and shrewdness and that is why the entire group of these bre men and women can be termed as the protagonists.


The antagonist is none other than Magua. He is determined to take revenge on Munro by marrying his daughter Cora and making her his wife. He is extremely courageous and, despite many setbacks, continues to attack the protagonists. He is a man who is not loyal to anybody. When he does pledge his loyalty to any side, it is purely for his own selfish reasons. He uses his remarkable oratory skills to whip up the passions of his people, but he does so in order to serve his own purposes.


The climax of The Last of the Mohicans occurs in Chapter 32. After a fierce battle in which the protagonists and the Delawares defeat Magua and the Hurons, Magua and two of his men escape with Cora and are tracked to the edge of a cliff. Cora refuses to continue on, and Magua demands that she choose between his wigwam and his knife. As he hesitantly raises the blade, Uncas leaps at him. Meanwhile, a Huron stabs Cora in the bosom, Uncas kills Cora's assailant before being killed by Magua. Magua leaps away, jumping from one cliff to another and mocking his enemies. He loses his step and nearly falls off one cliff, but manages to hang onto a shrub on its edge. Just as he is recovering, however, Hawkeye raises the muzzle of his gun and shoots Magua, who slips to his death.


The outcome is tragic, for although the treacherous Magua is vanquished by Hawkeye, both Cora and Uncas die. Cora is killed by her assailant and Uncas, the last of the Mohicans, is killed by the evil Magua.

PLOT (Synopsis)

The Last of the Mohicans is an action packed, romantic and adventurous drama, set during the peak of the French and Indian War in America. The English had managed to vanquish most of the native Indians, but there were still some tribes who attempted to maintain their independence. After setting the scene, Cooper begins the story proper. Cora and Alice, Commander Munro's daughters, are escorted by Major Duncan Heyward out of Fort Edward to visit their father at Fort William Henry. An Indian runner, Magua, acts as their guide, but treacherously leads them onto the wrong path. He wishes to capture the women and make one of them, Cora, his wife, in order to get revenge on Munro, who had previously mistreated him. In the course of their journey, they meet Did Gamut, Hawkeye, Chingachgook and Uncas, the latter two being the only two survivors of the Mohican tribe. When Hawkeye identifies Magua as a possible traitor, Magua escapes into the forest. The party realizes that Magua will seek out his companions and search for them, and from then, the chase is on.

The entire plot then revolves around the clash between these two parties. The chase continues through picturesquely described forests, swirling waters, ces, and Indian villages. Magua chases the group and captures Duncan, Cora, Alice, and Did. Uncas, Chingachgook, and Hawkeye rescue them and later unite the girls with their father. They then face the danger of the French, who he captured Fort William Henry. When the English women and children are being taken to safety, Magua strikes again. He kills all the women and children except Cora and Alice, whom he captures, along with Did, who had been acting as their escort.

The men track Magua to a Huron settlement, where they find Did. He is a prisoner of the Indians, but is allowed to wander freely as he is considered insane and harmless due to his continual singing of hymns. Did leads Duncan to the village where Alice is imprisoned. She is supposed to marry an Indian bre, but is sed by Major Heyward, who dons Indian paint to disguise himself. Both are rescued by Hawkeye, who disguises himself as a bear. Duncan and Hawkeye tie up Magua and escape with Alice. After helping Duncan and Alice flee, Hawkeye returns to the village and with the help of Did, rescues Uncas.

In the meantime, another Indian group, a village of Delawares, is holding Cora captive. Uncas and Hawkeye go to rescue her, but are captured. Magua goes to the tribe to retrieve the prisoners. His plans to capture Hawkeye and Uncas are foiled when it is revealed that Uncas is the last of the Mohicans and a lost chief of the tribe, but since by the laws of the tribe Cora is truly Magua's captive, he is allowed to take her away.

The Delawares and the protagonists, now joined by Munro and Chingachgook, follow, and a fierce battle ensues between them and the Hurons, whom they defeat. Magua escapes, but is trailed by Uncas, Hawkeye, Did, and Duncan. Near a large cliff, Magua asks Cora to choose between being his wife and being killed by his knife. At this moment, Uncas manages to catch up with them. As Magua is momentarily distracted by Uncas, his companion stabs Cora. Uncas kills her assailant but is in turn stabbed and killed by Magua.

Hawkeye chases Magua, who leaps from one cliff to another. He soon misses his step and slips, but manages to clutch on to a shrub. Hawkeye shoots Magua, who falls to his death.

The next day the dead are mourned and praised, and Cora and Uncas are buried in an elaborate ceremony. Hawkeye tells Chingachgook that he is not alone, for he is still there with him. Tamenund laments the decline of the Indians and the death of the last of the Mohicans.

PLOT (Structure)

The Last of the Mohicans, written by James Fenimore Cooper, does not he a traditional plot structure, as the plot revolves around action. None of the characters are developed, for the tale is action-oriented.

In this novel, Cooper brings in his two forite characters from the Leatherstocking tales, Natty Bumppo (Hawkeye) and Chingachgook, to play major roles in the book. However, both these characters are merely a part of the adventure saga and do not he the plot revolving around them. Uncas, the man after whom the book is named, also fits into the story as part of the action, though, again, he is not the center of the tale. Although the characters are bre and virtuous, they are not epic heroes, but ordinary mortals involved in an adventure saga. Action is the essence of the novel and the characters are merely incidental.

The plot is woven into a unique structure, in which there is spiraling action leading to a dramatic resolution, followed by a brief period of calm, after which the same chain of events takes place all over again. The action spreads over a number of chapters, culminating in a breathtaking climax in the penultimate chapter. The suspense is almost unbearable as it spirals to its zenith point, and then there is a brief respite comprising essentially of a single chapter describing the calm.

There are three progressive series of action or "chases" in the novel. The first starts almost from the Chapter 1 and builds through Chapter 11. The protagonists discover Magua's treachery and make a desperate attempt to escape from him and his associates. Cora, Alice and Duncan are captured, however. The climax of this chase takes place in Chapter 11, when Hawkeye and Uncas begin their rescue. This is followed by a period of strange calm. The second progressive action encompasses Magua's capture of Cora and Alice in Chapter 17 and continues through Chapter 25, when Alice is rescued. Peace takes place in Chapter 26. Chapter 27 deals again with the kidning of Cora, which leads to the climax in Chapter 32, in which both Cora and Uncas die. This definitively concludes the action.


Major Theme

Heroism is the main theme of this book. In the native, wild, virginal country of America, where life is uncertain at all times, the characters stand out for their inherent brery. Nearly all of the members of the group display astonishing levels of brery in spite of all the hardships that they face.

Duncan Heyward acts as the protector of the women in their journey to meet their father. When he is urged by Cora to lee after the gunpowder has run out, he refuses and stays back with her and Alice. When the Hurons later trap him, he fights like a caged animal. Throughout the saga, he displays amazing levels of brery, whether in the battles with the Hurons or protecting the women. When Uncas is tred, he rushes to help him without giving any thought to his own life.

Hawkeye is more practical but nonetheless bre. He offers to lead the girls to their father and stays on till the very end to protect their lives. He stays calm when their gunpowder runs out, even though he knows that the Hurons will soon attack. At Cora's request, he lees, not to flee but to get more gunpowder and possibly help. At every turn of the book, when Magua kidnaps some member of the group, Hawkeye immediately rushes to help. He also uses disguise to achieve his objective. For instance, he dresses as a bear when he goes to rescue Uncas from the Hurons.

Cora shines through as bre and courageous. She continually defies Magua and acts cool-headedly throughout the novel. She is admired for her actions by both Hawkeye and Uncas. While Alice often seems to he little to do but faint and be rescued, she does deal with her circumstances as best as she can within the confines of her role.

Did Gamut displays brery too, although for much of the book he is an object of ridicule. He takes the place of Uncas when the latter is being held prisoner and later takes part in the battle against the Hurons.

Chingachgook, though old, supports Hawkeye throughout the book. He too displays courage through the various clashes with the Hurons. But his heroism stands out especially in the last chapter of the book. Although he loses his son Uncas, he bears the loss with dignity and courage.

Uncas displays extreme courage throughout the novel, whether in battle or in rescuing the women. He looses his life trying to se Cora, but does so with such courage that the reader cannot help but marvel at his heroism.

In the hard frontier life that Cooper depicts, brery ears as a matter of course. Men such as Hawkeye stand out as superheroes, and women such as Cora can boast of being made of the same mettle and strength.

Minor Theme

James Fenimore Cooper has woven the theme of romanticism into The Last of the Mohicans at several levels. In his description of the land, Cooper displays the spirit of a lover. Reams and reams of space he been filled in his book by his special love for the extraordinarily hard but beautiful life of the frontier. Indeed, Cooper so romanticizes this hard frontier life that it seems that the brutal destruction and killing of men does not hamper, but, in fact, enhances the joy of living this kind of life.

Romance among the characters also infuses a kind of sule spirit to the general feeling of the book. Rather than emphasizing this aspect, however, Cooper willingly underplays it, teasing the reader with "wistful looks" and "longing sighs." While the feelings that Duncan and Alice he for each other are eventually made explicit, the relationships between the other characters are especially sule. The reader can actually sense Uncas being drawn to Cora, or even Magua's strange and harsh desire for Cora. Indeed, Magua and Cora's relationship can almost termed as some kind of magnetic attraction, in which the players are equally attracted and repulsed.

Romanticism is a special theme added to enhance the ambience (atmosphere) of the book. It gives a very soft yet sule touch to the henings. Yet the undercurrents felt throughout the book are almost crackling with pent-up desires and longings. Between Cora and Uncas, this tension is most arent. There is a vast difference in their backgrounds, yet there is a unique bond that brings them closer together. In life they cannot fulfill the spirit of romanticism -- nor the fictional conventions of the day -- but in death they bridge the gap.


James Fenimore Cooper's style of writing is very picturesque. His language is vivid and straightforward without any overuse of similes or metaphors. His colorful descriptions add to the varied hues in The Last of the Mohicans. Cooper also has a very keen eye for detail.

In the beginning of the book, Cooper starts out describing the characters in the third person and at a distance. He even delays in giving their names. As the book a progress, the author starts addressing his characters more familiarly.

Cooper's style of writing is direct, almost as if he is addressing or talking to the readers personally. Though Cooper's language is very simple and direct without any obvious symbolism, his sentences are generally long. They are usually very descriptive, filled with adjectives and adverbs, creating definite visual imagery throughout the novel.




Alice 爱丽丝(女子名)

中文拼写: 爱丽丝

名字含义: 高贵的,在希腊中有“真理的意思”。

名字来源: 日耳曼语







更多外文片名:A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child.....(USA) (poster title)

影片类型:恐怖/ 奇幻/ 惊悚

片长:91分钟 | 105分钟(加长版)





混音:Dolby SR

级别:Germany:BPjM Restricted/ Iceland:(Banned)/ Finland:K-18/ Argentina:13/ Australia:M/ Germany:16(re-rating) (2007) / USA:R/ Canada:13+(Quebec) / France:-12/ Norway:18(video premiere) / UK:18/ West Germany:18/ Netherlands:16/ Mexico:C/ Canada:18A/ Singapore:M18

制作成本:$6,000,000 (estimated)

摄制格式:35 mm

洗印格式:35 mm 导演:斯蒂芬·霍普金斯Stephen Hopkins


韦斯·克雷文Wes Cren....(characters)

John Skipp....(story) &

Craig Spector....(story) and

莱斯利·博希姆Leslie Bohem....(story)/(screenplay)



莉莎·威尔库科斯 ....Alice Johnson

凯莉·庄·密勒 ....Yvonne

演员 Actor:

莉莎·威尔库科斯 Lisa Wilcox ....Alice Johnson

凯莉·庄·密勒Kelly Jo Minter....Yvonne

丹尼·哈塞尔Danny Hassel....Dan Jordan

艾瑞卡·安德森Erika Anderson....Greta Gibson

Nicholas Mele....Dennis Johnson (as Nick Mele)

乔·赛瑞Joe Seely....Mark Gray

Valorie Armstrong....Mrs. Jordan

Burr DeBenning....Mr. Jordan

Clarence Felder....Mr. Gray

Michael Ashton....Gurney Orderly

布里特雷思·匹保Beatrice Boepple....Amanda Krueger

Matt Borlenghi....Jock (as Matt Borlenghi)

Noble Craig....Merging Freddy

E.R. Dies....Delivery Doctor

Beth DePatie....Anne

Will Egan....Semi-Truck Driver

Stacey Elliott....Girl in Locker (as Stacy Elliott)

Steven Grives....Dr. Moore (as Stephen Grives)

怀特柏·赫特福德Whitby Hertford....Jacob (as Whitby Hertford)

Jennifer Honneus....Asylum Girl

Jake Jacobs....Trendy Guest

Annie Lamaje....Elm Street Kid

Gerry Loew....Orderly #1

Kara Marie....Baby Jacob

Roxanne Mayweather....Delivery Nurse

Don Maxwell....Coach Ostrow

John R. Murray....Customer

Marne Patterson....Little Girl (as Marne Patterson)

Cameron Perry....Guest

Marc Siegler....Thirty-Something (as Mark Siegler)

迈克尔·贝利·史密斯Michael Bailey Smith....Super Freddy (as Mike Smith)

Pat Sturges....Racine Gibson

Cesar Anthony Torres....Cop

Peter Trencher....Trendy

Wally George....Himself

Ron Armstrong....Hot Seat Band Member

Ted Nugent....Hot Seat Band Member

Rudy Sarao....Hot Seat Band Member

Eric Singer....Hot Seat Band Member

Victor A. Haddox....Asylum Inmate (uncredited)

James Vallo....Paramedic (uncredited)

制作人 Produced by:

鲁伯特·哈维Rupert Harvey....producer

Sara Risher....executive producer

罗伯特·沙耶Robert Shaye....producer

Jon Turtle....executive producer

原创音乐 Original Music:Jay Ferguson

摄影 Cinematography:Peter Levy

剪辑 Film Editing:

Brent A. Schoenfeld

Chuck Weiss

选角导演 Casting:Annette Benson

艺术指导 Production Designer:C.J. Strawn

美术设计 Art Direction by:

布景师 Set Decoration by:John P. Jockinsen

服装设计 Costume Design by:Sara Markowitz

视觉特效 Visual Effects Supervisor:Alan Munro

副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director:

Did Cass Jr.....first assistant director: third unit

Jackie Dragon....second assistant director: second unit

Randy Dudley....first assistant director: second unit

Terence J. Edwards....second assistant director (as Terry Edwards)

Allen Kupetsky....second second assistant director

Richard Murken....additional second second assistant director

Kristine Peterson....first assistant director

Bernadette Tanchauco....second assistant director: third unit 制作公司:

新线**公司[美国] (presents)

Heron Communications(presents)

Smart Egg Pictures[英国] (presents)

Fourth New Line-Heron Joint Venture,The


新线**公司[美国] (1989) (USA) (theatrical)

Hoyts Distribution[澳大利亚] (1989) (Australia) (theatrical)


The Character Shop(Womb With a Fetal View Cannal Effects)

Did Miller Creations(Freddy Krueger makeup and Freddy's Baby resurrection sequence)

Did Stipes Productions(matte paintings)

Doug Beswick Productions Inc.[美国] (Diving Board and Phantom Prowler effects sequence)

K.N.B. Effects Group[美国] (Freddy's Head de-merge effects)

Todd Masters Company(Gretta prosthetics and supplemental prosthetic effects)

Visual Concept Engineering (VCE)[美国] (optical effects)


Jive Records[美国] soundtrack 站在成功的《猛鬼街4:幽冥鬼手》的肩上,《猛鬼街5:猛鬼怪胎》继续延续着该系列的辉煌。第五部在剧情上承接上集——主人公爱丽丝的男友被弗莱迪残忍的,而此时她发现自己已经怀孕了,而弗莱迪则试图通过进入自己的孩子的梦境,达到在梦魇中永生的邪恶目的。为了防止弗莱迪残害自己的孩子,爱丽丝与弗莱迪再次展开了殊死搏斗。


故事上的承接也使导演不必再废大量的时间对**的主人公进行详细的性格刻画,而全心全意的为影片赋予哥特风,这部**在当年上映时取得了巨大的成功,而影迷们和诸多资深影评人们对于该片“哥特风”的认可,更可以称的上是“哥特风”的辉煌胜利。唯一可惜的是,该片并不是像蒂姆伯顿**那样彻头彻尾的哥特式**,只是在传统的黑暗艺术型恐怖片中添加了大量异样的哥特元素,因此最终没有使这部**成为cult片中的出类拔萃的经典。但毫无疑问,作为一部主打黑暗艺术的恐怖片,《猛鬼街5:猛鬼怪胎》确实称得上是该系列最为优秀、出彩的一部,也是系列中最被大众所认可的经典之作之一。 ·第五集是系列中公认的最为优秀的一部作品,也因为与第三部及第四部的风格完全统一,与前两部并称为系列中的“巅峰三部曲”。





·本片是弗莱迪的扮演者——罗伯特·英格兰德最喜欢的一部《猛鬼街》系列作品。 巨大而阴森的古堡、可怖的红色深渊、倾斜的房屋与各类建筑、布满荆棘的黑暗森林、墓地上竖立着的十字架、倒悬的石阶、和超自然主义的完美结合,造就了系列中最为出色的经典。——时光网



Alice 什么含义


1、2008年勒·克莱齐奥(Jean-Marie Guste Le Clézio)《战争》、《逃之书》、《墨西哥之梦》、《非洲人》、《诉讼笔录》

2、2009年赫塔·米勒(Herta Müller)《河水奔流》、《行走界线》、《狐狸那时已是猎人》、《呼吸秋千》、《心兽》?

3、2010年马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨(Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa)《绿房子》、《世界末日之战》《城市与狗》、《酒吧长谈》、《谁是犯》

4、2011年托马斯·特朗斯特罗姆(Tomas G?sta Transtr?mer)《17首诗》、《途中的秘密》、《半完成的天空》、《看见黑暗》、《为生者和死者》、《悲哀贡多拉》?

5、2012年莫言(Mo Yan)《红高粱》、《酒国》、《丰乳肥臀》、《生死疲劳》、《蛙》?

6、2013年爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Ann Munro)《逃离》、《快乐影子之舞》、《爱的进程》、《女孩和女人们的生活》?

7、2014年帕特里克·莫迪亚诺(Jean Patrick Modiano)《星形广场》、《暗店街》、《青春咖啡馆》?

8、2015年斯维特拉娜·阿列克谢耶维奇(Svetlana Alexandrovna Alexievich)《切尔诺贝利的回忆:核灾难口述史》、《最后的见证:失去童年的孩子们》、《战争的非女性面孔》、《最后一个证人》

9、2016年鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)《随风飘荡》?

10、2017年石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)《群山淡景》、《浮世画家》和《长日将尽》







1、Alice continued making out her case.?


2、After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie?


3、Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room


4、Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.?


5、You're very chatty today, alice.?


13位获诺贝尔文学奖的女作家 迄今为止,诺贝尔文学奖已给予13名女作家,瑞典文学院对各位获奖者的授奖辞如下: 1909年:西尔玛·拉格洛夫(瑞典):“由于她作品有的高贵的理想主义;丰饶的想象力、平易而优美的风格。” 1926年:格拉齐亚·黛莱达(意大利):“为了表扬她由理想主义所激发的作品,以浑朴的透彻描绘了她所生长的岛屿上的生活;在洞察人类一般问题上,表现的深度与怜悯。” 1928年:西格里德·温塞特(挪威):“主要是由于她对中世纪北国生活的有力描绘。” 1938年:赛珍珠(美国):“她对于中国农民生活的丰富和真正史诗气概的描述,以及她自传性的杰作。” 1945年:加夫列拉·米斯特拉尔(智利):“她那由强烈感情孕育而成的抒情诗,已经使得她的名字成为整个拉丁美洲世界渴求理想的象征。” 1966年:奈莉·萨克斯(德国):“因为她杰出的抒情与戏剧作品,以感人的力量阐述出以色列的命运。” 1991年:纳丁·戈迪默(南非):“以强烈而直接的笔触,描写周围复杂的人际与社会关系,其史诗般壮丽的作品,对人类大有裨益。” 1993年:托尼·莫里森(美国):“其作品想象力丰富,富有诗意,显示了美国现实生活的重要方面。” 1996年:希姆博尔斯卡(波兰):“由于她在诗歌艺术中精辟精妙的反讽,挖掘出了人类一点一滴的现实生活背后历史更迭与生物演化的深意。” 2004年:艾尔弗雷德·耶利内克(奥地利):“由于她的音乐般流畅和数据般准确的语态;由于她戏剧的杰出语言,热情地揭示了社会的极度荒谬以及使人屈从的奇异力量。”(吉文) 2007年:多丽丝?莱辛(英国):“女性经历的史诗作者,用怀疑主义、才华和预言的力量,来审视被割裂的文明”。颁奖词还提到莱辛的《金色笔记本》,“在二十世纪那些描述男性女性关系的作品中,是开创性的”。 2009年,赫塔-米勒(德国),米勒的作品“兼具诗歌的凝练和散文的率直,描写了一无所有、无所寄托者的境况 北京时间10月10日19时(当地时间10月10日13时),瑞典学院宣布2013年诺贝尔文学奖获得者为加拿大作家爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro)。颁奖词将门罗介绍为“当代短篇大师”。