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darin karma_

tamoadmin 2024-08-24 人已围观

简介1.Extraordinary 歌词2.darin的《Karma》 歌词绝对值得一听。抒情慢摇1 Dai Za Lube,醇厚的男中音, 优雅自如的俄语, 暖洋洋的和声, 诗化的歌词, 一切没有伏特加的浓郁激烈, 但是有伏特加一般的香醇和温度. 这就是Lube, 这支来自俄罗斯的乐队在经历了两次大的风格转变, 完成了从流行摇滚到民谣摇滚的蜕变后, 愈显成熟优美.个人比较喜欢他们的这首歌。

1.Extraordinary 歌词

2.darin的《Karma》 歌词

darin karma_



1 Dai Za

Lube,醇厚的男中音, 优雅自如的俄语, 暖洋洋的和声, 诗化的歌词, 一切没有伏特加的浓郁激烈, 但是有伏特加一般的香醇和温度. 这就是Lube, 这支来自俄罗斯的乐队在经历了两次大的风格转变, 完成了从流行摇滚到民谣摇滚的蜕变后, 愈显成熟优美.个人比较喜欢他们的这首歌。

2 Drama, Love & Lationships

娃娃脸,大家都比较熟悉了。集超级金曲词曲作者、制作人与歌手三种身份的巨星Babyface,本名 Kenneth Edmonds,于1989年出版了首张个人专辑“Tender Lover”,专辑销售达二百万张的佳绩,迅速地挤入巨星行列。Babyface除了是位优秀的歌者外,更一直是 Whitney Houston, Paula Abdul,等当红艺人所频于热情邀揽、合作的流行冠军金曲制造者,且其中有25首更是全美排行榜首之作,包括了他在1992年为BOYZ II MEN所谱写的**‘花大少闯情关 Boomerang’主题曲 End Of The Road,此曲不仅为该团一举撞开了成功之路,成为Billboard 排行榜的13周冠军白金单曲,迄今还没有那个乐队能做出这样的辉煌成绩。

3 November

Juli 。Juli是德国的一支摇滚和流行音乐为主的乐队,乐队是由主唱Eva Briegel,主音和节奏吉他手 Jonas Pfetzing,Simon Triebel, bass手Andreas Herde,以及鼓手Marcel Roer. November里运用的编曲手法也似乎充满了活血,这就是一群年轻人所应当有的活血!听那强劲的快节奏的爵士鼓节奏,以及主唱Eva的深情演绎,那真是对未来的一种向往和执着!

4 Be Without You

玛丽·布莱姬 顶着全球四千万张专辑销量、五座灵魂列车音乐奖+四座全美音乐奖+三座葛莱美奖+两座Billboard节奏蓝调奖+一座MTV音乐录影带奖…等奖项加冕,且不遗余力提拔新人,投身各公益活动中,玛丽布莱姬闯荡近15个年头,毫不卖弄花腔过份做作演唱,展现惊人爆发力与创作才情,不断为自己的音乐事业加温缔造另一高峰。

5 Fairy Tale 个人很喜欢。很好听。

唐妮·布蕾斯顿。 Toni Braxton 应是 90 年代国际流行乐坛最炙手可热的新生代女歌手之一,拥有多张百万销量的唱片,多首耳熟能详的单曲和不计其数的奖项,她独特、低沉的嗓音继续发挥着“点石成金”般的魔力。

6 Sorry


Joss Stone金牌制作研发打造深受The Ramones, Jackson 5影响新种。来自New Jersey的Jonas Brothers,不由得令人想起Hanson,同样是三兄弟,同样能演奏,会写歌,融合了男孩团体的偶像特质和摇滚,Punk等音乐元素,在曾担任Extreme鼓手的Michael Mangini和Steve Greenberg,两位也是成功打造Joss Stone的金牌制作人的精心调制下,创造出一张充满阳光能量又带有60,7O年代复古风情的《It?s About Time》,也奠定Jonas Brothers成为Hanson接班人的人气。

7 Everything Will Flow

山羊皮乐队 刚听就被他的前奏吸引了,这张简单名为「Singles」的精选辑问世,替乐团的音乐历程做一阶段性总结,听众不仅可体会到Sude从出道到现在更成熟稳重,而且也给了乐迷一次重温主唱独特的嗓音的难得体验,绝对令人感动!

8 Karma

Darin 瑞典“超男”Darin zanyar于1987年出生于斯德歌尔摩。2004年参加了瑞典“流行偶像大赛”并,因他出色的外型,很快受到一批青春美少女的追捧,尽管演唱了《B What U Wanna B 》,可惜并没有拿到冠军。但是Darin Zanyar的歌开始走红。除了《B What U Wanna B 》,《Sail The Ocean》(孙燕姿《心愿》的原版)也是非常受欢迎的。

9 Goodnight Moon

Shivaree 杀死比尔里的插曲。 很有感觉,有点忧郁有点狂野的生音,让人不禁联想起剧情。 推荐。

10 Island Dance

有里知花, 这首歌真的很不错。可以说是天籁的声音,可以用来失恋疗伤时听。

11 She Cant Say No

Rie Fu 很清新的一首歌,这首歌是反响不错的。

12 Free Loop

丹尼尔 史上最豪迈!


2007年终唱片市场询问度No.1陪你Shopping一辈子的话题合辑12+12首最强广告 + ** / 电视主题金曲跨厂牌合体一次开卖啦!因为你值得!独家收录:

AUDI A4汽车2007最新广告神秘女声、台湾大哥大最新“不说也知道 简讯传心意”精大结局、ACER “有杜比 最动心”机场篇、林志玲潘婷PRO-V洗发精、莎莉赛隆DIOR J?ADORE香水、元彬&金泰熙LG SHINE手机、宋承宪LEVI?S SINGNATURE牛仔裤、福特i-MAX汽车等最新电视广告曲+“变形金刚”“穿着PRADA的恶魔”“实习医生”“越狱风云”等最热门**电视主题曲 !



我可是费好大劲额.. 悬赏分一定要给我哦

Extraordinary 歌词



给您Darin-karma 歌词的翻译吧。。。





[00:01.16]Darin - Karma



[00:15.41]You were searching for some evidence


[00:17.94]That I've been cheating


[00:19.39]Checking my phone my mail my crub


[00:21.39]My pockets for no reason

我的钱包 毫无理由地

[00:23.06]Looking for proof proof proof

试图寻找证据 证据 证据

[00:26.88]But you're only wasting time


[00:30.71]You told me you were gon confess if only I came clean


[00:34.55]And That's when I ge you your own medicine which you believed in


[00:38.44]But it wasn't true true true

但那不是真的 真的 真的

[00:42.18]Still you think I'm just denying



[00:46.83]You can say whatever you want about me

你想要什么 尽管说

[00:48.54]But the truth of the matter is


[00:50.09]I never did you wrong


[00:51.60]Did you wrong


[00:52.60]Did you wrong


[00:53.55]And you gon miss me when I'm gone

当我离开你 你必定会想念我

[00:55.30]When I'm gone


[00:56.43]When I'm gone


[00:57.34]Yeah you gon regret it

是的 你会后悔的

[00:58.95]Yeah you gon regret it

是的 你会后悔的

[01:00.83]Regret it


[01:01.80]You started playing games


[01:04.05]So now you gotta deal with it


[01:05.86]And oh it's such a shame

噢 这真是个耻辱

[01:07.77]That we couldn't be real about it


[01:09.80]Karma karma karma

Karma karma karma 卡马(镍铬丝精密级)

[01:12.70]Yeah you gon regret it

是的 你会后悔的

[01:14.37]Yeah you gon regret it

是的 你会后悔的

[01:16.07]Regret it



[01:16.88]It's been more than a couple of months


[01:18.77]And we ain't even speaking


[01:20.27]You don't return my calls thinking that you


[01:22.98]Will get even


[01:24.08]Why you act a fool fool fool

为什么你像个傻子 傻子 傻子

[01:27.77]There is something that ain't right


[01:31.81]Maybe you're the one that's been Incognito and creeping


[01:35.47]If it's so then let me know cause you confuse my feelings

如果真是这样 就谈让我知道吧 因为你让我很困惑

[01:39.35]I'm about to lose it lose it lose it

我也许会失去理智 失去理智 失去理智

[01:43.19]Why tryin to switch it round round round

为什么要讲这些一遍遍地缠绕 缠绕 缠绕




[02:18.30]I can't believe you


[02:19.16]Give me he nonsense


[02:20.26]How you gonna tell me I let you down


[02:21.74]If you got a little bit heart in you


[02:23.02]Can you please explain


[02:24.19]Why you flip the coin around


[02:25.46]I know I've done a lot of bad


[02:26.60]But I never been in bed


[02:27.55]With another lady trust me it's true

与另外一位女郎 相信我 这是真的

[02:29.22]And the proof that you claim you got


[02:30.81]Is nothing but a way for you to come up

其实什么都不是 只是的一种方式

[02:32.29]With an excuse


[02:33.29]To smooth and slowly get away


[02:35.12]Too afraid to tell it straight to my face


[02:36.95]Six years I stayed with you


[02:38.83]Laid with ya

[02:39.60]Is this how you gonna play


[02:41.03]It's ok it's alright

好吧 好吧

[02:43.41]Go ahead and scram


[02:44.80]By the night that wake up


[02:46.01]You gon regret it


[02:46.90]That you lost a good man


[02:48.55]Fo sho


[02:49.68]You started playing games

[02:51.11]So now you gotta deal with it

[02:53.12]And oh it's such a shame

[02:54.89]That we couldn't be real bout it

[02:56.99]Karma karma karma

[02:59.85]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:01.42]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:03.60]Regret it


[03:04.64]You can say whatever you want about me

[03:06.47]But the truth of the matter is I never did you wrong

[03:09.25]Did you wrong

[03:10.43]Did you wrong

[03:11.39]And you gon miss me when I'm gone

[03:13.29]When I'm gone

[03:14.20]When I'm gone

[03:15.47]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:16.74]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:18.54]Regret it

[03:19.94]You started playing games

[03:21.95]So now you gotta deal with it

[03:23.77]And oh it's such a shame

[03:25.52]That we couldn't be real about it

[03:27.47]Karma Karma Karma

[03:30.60]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:32.58]Yeah you gon regret it

[03:34.46]Regret it


darin的《Karma》 歌词


歌手:Judith Owen

专辑:Mopping Up Karma

Darin-extraodinary love


If you call right now

I don't wanna complain

It be too obvious that I am so jealous

You seem to like your skin(?)

the way he is running round, the way he let you down

but it, it doesn't make sense to me

I don't know why you refuse to see

Inside, he is ugly

I just say what's on my mind

I'm not even trying to compete

He's got nothing on me

my love is hard to be

YEAH~ (odinary)

I'm an odinary guy

but I'm the only one who can give you love

(extra kind of)

you are the extra kind of girl and you deserve it all

I'm the one you are looking for

(extraodinary love)

I'm an odinary guy

I don't show off like that

I don't talk dirt like that

he always makes you cry

he says that he's going to change, just to do it again

I know I can love you better than he can

I can do anything aspect your fun

I just wish you can understand

YEAH~ (odinary)

I'm an odinary guy

but I'm the only one who can give you love

(extra kind of)

you are the extra kind of girl, and you deserve it all

I'm the one you are looking for

(extraodinary love)

I know (I know) you know (you know)

I've got (extraodinary)

I know (I know) you know (you know)

I can give you (extraodinary love)

I know (I know) you know (you know)

I've got (extraodinary)

I know (I know) you know (you know)

I can give you (extra kind of)

(L O V E) I'm an odinary guy

but I'm the only one who can give you love

you are the extra kind of girl and you deserve it all

I'm the one you are looking for


I'm an odinary guy

but I'm the only one who can give you love

(extra kind of)

you are a extra kind of girl and you deserve it all

I'm the one you are looking for

(extraodinary love)





Darin - Karma


You were searching for some evidence

That I've been cheating

Checking my phone my mail my crub

My pockets for no reason

Looking for proof proof proof

But you're only wasting time

You told me you were gon confess if only I came clean

And That's when I ge you your own medicine which you believed in

But it wasn't true true true

Still you think I'm just denying

You can say whatever you want about me

But the truth of the matter is

I never did you wrong

Did you wrong

Did you wrong

And you gon miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone

When I'm gone

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

You started playing games

So now you gotta deal with it

And oh it's such a shame

That we couldn't be real about it

Karma karma karma

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

It's been more than a couple of months

And we ain't even speaking

You don't return my calls thinking that you

Will get even

Why you act a fool fool fool

There is something that ain't right

Maybe you're the one that's been Incognito and creeping

If it's so then let me know cause you confuse my feelings

I'm about to lose it lose it lose it

Why tryin to switch it round round round

You can say Whatever you want about me

But the truth of the matter is I never did you wrong

Did you wrong

Did you wrong

And you gon miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone

When I'm gone

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

You started playing games

So now you gotta deal with it

And oh it's such a shame

That we couldn't be real about it

Karma Karma Karma

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

I can't believe you

Give me he nonsense

How you gonna tell me I let you down

If you got a little bit heart in you

Can you please explain

Why you flip the coin around

I know I've done a lot of bad

But I never been in bed

With another lady trust me it's true

And the proof that you claim you got

Is nothing but a way for you to come up

With an excuse

To smooth and slowly get away

Too afraid to tell it straight to my face

Six years I stayed with you

Laid with ya

Is this how you gonna play

It's ok it's alright

Go ahead and scram

By the night that wake up

You gon regret it

That you lost a good man

Fo sho

You started playing games

So now you gotta deal with it

And oh it's such a shame

That we couldn't be real bout it

Karma karma karma

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

You can say whatever you want about me

But the truth of the matter is I never did you wrong

Did you wrong

Did you wrong

And you gon miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone

When I'm gone

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it

You started playing games

So now you gotta deal with it

And oh it's such a shame

That we couldn't be real about it

Karma Karma Karma

Yeah you gon regret it

Yeah you gon regret it

Regret it
